Jimmy Rocker Mall

jimmy rocker south beach pictures

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Vintage Deco Burger King - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Candy Plastic Condos - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Bancroft - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography
Castle Turret - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Cardozzo Muscle Boys - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Cardozzo Cafe - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography
The Gap 1 - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography The Gap 2 - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography The Gap 3 - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography
Orange Square - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Purple Umbrella - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Open Tables - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography
Pink TCBY - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Leisure Heaven - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography Row of Bikes - © 2001 Jimmy Rocker Photography
click on pictures to view large version

Other Jimmy Rocker Pictures - Making the South Beach Scene!
Vintage Deco Burger King · Candy Plastic Condos · The Bancroft · Castle Turret · Cardozzo Muscle Boys · Cardozzo Cafe · The Gap 1 · The Gap 2 · The Gap 3 · Orange Square · Purple Umbrella · Open Tables · Pink TCBY · Leisure Heaven · Row of Bikes

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JiMmY RocKeR
PhoToGRaPhY -=-
CaPTuRE -=-
RocKiNG the
WorLD !!!

SoBe Miami


JiMmY RocKeR -=- DyNaMiC IMaGE CaPTuRE -=- RocKiNG the WorLD -=- RaGiNG WiTH FiRE !!! ™



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